How to become a Host board
Host board
We are always looking for progressive boards to become host boards and help develop a wider pool of diverse candidates for board positions. This will not only help boards with their own diversity and inclusion strategies and succession planning but also grow the top diverse talent as a whole.
Our host boards are the ones driving the change to diversity in the board room by opening their doors to our apprentices and offer the opportunity to learn how a board functions and also demonstrate their openness and willingness to the change.
A host board can come from any industry such as: Charities, Government-owned entity boards, Hospital boards. Listed and unlisted companies, Private family run companies, Investment fund boards, Boards of SME companies, Advisory boards, Subsidiary boards etc.
How does it work?
With input from board members and company leadership teams, we identify appropriate candidates.
We have a selection procedure to ensure that individuals put forward as potential Board Apprentices have the necessary insight into corporate governance and the operation of a board and that they will have suitable experience and background to be able to become a board member after completing the Apprentice training requirements.
Apprentices receive and read board packs, attend board and committee meetings and share their views with the board when invited to do so. They would attend General Meetings and also participate in board activities that take place outside of meetings.
Board Apprentices sign a letter of appointment, which includes confidentiality and competition clauses, with the Board for a term of one year. The position is unpaid and the Apprentice will fund his/her own expenses in connection with experience.
A Host Board is also an educator.
- Hosts allow apprentices to see a board at work and understand what processes and procedures are in play.
- Focus on learning about governance.
- Board Apprentice training materials cover governance best practice with reference to the UK Code of Corporate Governance and global investors’ expectations and preferences.
Apprentice onboarding
Apprentice candidates will fill this in and give to the Host Board when placed to enable
Prospective Host Boards to review whether additional information is required The agreements and processes in place provide an insight into the expectations of the Board Apprentice year from both the Host Board and the Board Apprentice point of view.
Should you wish to become a Host Bord, please contact us here